Этнический тип:
Соблюдение кашрута:
Частичное соблюдение законов кашрута
Возможность переезда:
Согласна на переезд в другую страну
Сфера занятости:
Искусство, культура, музыка и развлечения
Отношение к курению:
Я вообще не курю
Отношение к спиртному:
Я вообще не пью!
Обо мне:
Thin, gentle, sensitive, able to hear and feel another person. Aesthete, perfectionist, good manners. Not boring, different. It is an absolute necessity to appreciate, respect and cherish feelings, respect each other’s boundaries and personal space. For me love is a verb - to make life of beloved more beautiful, colourful, comforting, tasty and full of best feelings and impressions. Good sense of humour. I know how to thank you for the care that I appreciate and adore, for everything…
Мои интересы и увлечения:
Travelling, sea swimming and diving, dancing, stretching, hatha yoga. I like literature, fine arts, fashion as one of them, sea, Mediterranean cuisine, flowers, beauties of nature, new impressions and experience. My dream is life full of travelling together, dividing new experiences, doing things both enjoy: dancing, cooking or going out… And understand and learn each other always…
Хочу найти в партнере::
Courage, intelligence, respect and careful attitude, responsibility for one’s words and deeds, generosity, kindness and empathy, appreciating romance.