Этнический тип:
Соблюдение кашрута:
Не придаю значения кашруту
Владение языками
Возможность переезда:
Согласен на переезд в другую страну
Род деятельности:
Социоэкономический статус:
Мой доход выше среднего
Я живу у друзей или родственников
У меня своя машина или мотоцикл
Отношение к курению:
Я вообще не курю
Отношение к спиртному:
Пью редко в кругу знакомых
Обо мне:
I am 100% Jewish, half-English, half-Belarusian. I want to live the life to the fullest, have a family, travel and keep growing. I care about health and love nature, ideally my partner would as well. I studied Mathematics at university and now I work in a good job. English is my first language but I also know Russian from an early age and Spanish from school along with my experience in Spanish-speaking countries.
Мои интересы и увлечения:
I can play piano and also love karaoke. I like playing racket sports, especially squash. Also, I like learning new things and travelling. It’s really fun for me to explore new places and it would be even better to continue my travel adventure with a like-minded partner.
Хочу найти в партнере::
I am looking for an intelligent and attractive young woman who is honest and kind, as well as possessing some humour. Being open-minded, caring about health and having a family are also important.